
eso3 to download: the catalog ESO3_Aleksander

Dear Sirs


      PHU „ESO” as by now the only company in Poland and southern-western Europe which, in 2005, started working over production of clothes that protect people against electromagnetic waves.
After almost three years of technical and research work, the company worked out its own pattern of overalls (Polish Clothes). The product was widely acknowledged by the customers in Poland and abroad.
      For a year PHU „ESO” has been producing protective overalls - ESO ALEKSANDER, for work in electromagnetic fields, destined for workers whose profession involves being in fields that are under the influence of frequency bands VHF, S, L, X, and C, (for an attendance of broadcasting appliances, radio stations, base stadion transmitters, cellular telephony, radiolocation stations, radar stations, radio navigation, satellite systems).
      Overalls is light, it lets the water steam through, it does not make the work difficult, and matches up with the body. It fulfils the demandings of Ministry of Defence which concern special protective clothes and additional guidelines as far as the observing of safety and hygiene of work at use of appliances that emit electromagnetic radiation is concerned (enclosure to the decision nr. 98/MON 31/3/06).

Protective overalls has got qualifying Decision nr. 19/2007 and Report nr. 54/2007 PMPE/T from 25.07.2007, issued for the producer PHU „ESO” Stanisław Osajda, by the Military Institut of Hygiene and Epidemiology named gen. Karol Kaczkowski, Kozielska 4 street, 01-163 Warszawa, Laboratory of Metrology and Electromagnetic Radiation. WIHiE has got the accreditation PCA nr. AB 366 in the range of measuring electromagnetic fields in terms of Safety and Hygiene at Work, Environment Protection, and possibility to level the electromagnetic waves.

The Research and Safety of Work Institut V.V.i
116 52 PRAGUE 1, The Czech Republic
11/6/09 issued a certificate CE nr. 235/E-017/2009 for the producer P.H.U. ESO.
Accreditation nr. l/2007 from 271/2007, authorized person 235, notified person 1024 concerning the protective clothes, type ESO 3 ALEKSANDER.

PHU ESO works for the uniform seryices of the Republic and is their member. The product came within protection of intellectual property (nr. 000884317).
The European Union Pattern from 22/2/2008 contains:
- for military version — mask colour - nr. 0001,
- for military and TV version khaki colour - nr. 0002,
- for civil version (cellular telephony) - orange colour — nr. 0003.

Yours faithfully,
Stanisław Osajda
Tel. GSM +48 502 651 671 
PHU „ESO” Stanisław Osajda
ul. Zamkowa 3D, 72-200 Nowogard
tel. +48 91 392 66 70, tel./fax. +48 91 392 29 28